Blog, In the News
Our Executive Director Lupe M. Rodríguez and staff traveled to D.C. to attend a rally outside the United States Supreme Court about a case concerning states denying pregnant people the emergency abortion care they urgently need.
This could lead to devastating outcomes, and the impact will fall hardest on communities of color including Latines, who are already the most affected by abortion bans around the country.
That’s why Lupe joined other reproductive justice leaders to speak on this.
We know the outcomes of this case could be devastating. As you’ve heard, denying pregnant people emergency care means that they could die, suffer significant pain and trauma, or lose the ability to have children.
We refuse to be silent about this. We are grateful to be in community with the storytellers, advocates and doctors here who are and fighting back.
Here’s a bit more info on this: The case is about the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), a nearly 40-year-old federal law guaranteeing everyone treatment for emergency medical conditions, nationwide. Under EMTALA, hospitals must provide the treatment necessary to stabilize emergency medical conditions, and for some people, that means ending a pregnancy.
Como he dicho antes: ¡merecemos salud, dignidad, y justicia y en nuestra comunidad siempre respiramos lucha!
We urge the Supreme Court to uphold protections for pregnant patients and ensure that people can get the emergency care they need, including abortion care!
The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice will continue to organize and build power in Latine communities across the country to ensure that everyone has access to the healthcare they need, including abortion care.
We will not stop until we create a country with true reproductive freedom for all.
Blog, In the News
Blog, In the News
In the News