Latinx Heritage Month Campaign to Amplify our Collective Voice

Join Latina Institute to make our Latina/x community voice as loud and impactful as possible this Latinx Heritage Month!
With a gift of any size, you are giving strength to our Poderosas, who are actively leading our efforts nationwide.
Will you join us today with a gift of ANY size?

This Latinx Heritage Month will celebrate our communities and elevate and fortify our fight for reproductive justice. Throughout the month, we will update you on our latest efforts to:
- Advance the HEAL Act that would enable countless im/migrant families to access the healthcare they need and deserve and
- Celebrate the Marea Verde / Green Wave Movement, including the FDA’s historic decision to approve Opill as the first ever over-the-counter oral contraceptive. #FreeThePill
- Amplify our collective voice by sharing videos and testimonials from the Latina Institute community. See below or click here to lend your voice today!
Be sure to subscribe to our e-newsletter to get all the latest on the campaign and follow Latina Institute on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!

Record a video or write a message using the provided prompts.
Tag: @latinainstitute #latinxheritagemonth
Tag your friends and family in the comments
Click here to upload your video and/or submit your message!