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New Poll: Texas Latino Voters Support Abortion Access
This article was originally posted on Progress Texas.
New polling data released by the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health indicates that the conservative myth regarding Latino attitudes toward abortion is completely false.
A large majority of Latino likely voters hold supportive, nonjudgmental views on abortion. A sizeable majority also expressed opposition to state laws—like Texas’ draconian HB2—that restrict access to abortion care.
78% believe women should be able to make their own personal decisions about abortion, without politicians interfering
75% felt it wasn’t their place to judge someone who wasn’t ready to be a paren
80% would offer support to a loved one who had an abortion
60% think abortion should remain legal despite opposition from religious leaders
57% agree that private and public health coverage should include abortion care
In a statement, Jessica González-Rojas, the executive director for the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, said:
“Stereotypes about the Latino/a community and abortion have led some politicians to think that supporting restrictions on abortion will appeal to Latinos. This research shows how flawed those assumptions are. Even in Texas, Latino voters support a woman’s ability to make her own decisions about pregnancy, parenting, and abortion.”
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