Press Release
Today, the National Coalition for Immigrant Women’s Rights (NCIWR) is proud to announce the launch of I’m Fighting #4ImmigrantWomen, a new online campaign to demand that Congress address women’s rights in immigration reform. Through this campaign, immigrant women and their communities and allies will send the message to Congress that women’s voices must be heard and women’s issues cannot be marginalized in immigration reform.
“Immigrant women make important contributions to our nation’s economy, families, and communities, and will contribute even more under immigration reform. However, the very pressing health care needs of immigrant women and families continue to be marginalized in the national debate over immigration reform,” said Jessica González-Rojas, executive director of the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH), a Steering Committee member of NCIWR. She added, “With NCIWR’s I’m Fighting #4ImmigrantWomen Campaign, women will lift their voices for fair immigration reform that ensures women and families can be successful and live with health and dignity.”
“We know that immigration reform cannot be comprehensive unless it addresses the needs and acknowledges the contributions of immigrant women. Yet, we have a long way to go before all the concerns of Asian American and Pacific Islander immigrant women and our families are met, particularly the need to ensure that all families can reunite and stay together,” said Miriam Yeung, executive director of the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF), a Steering Committee member of NCIWR. Yeung added, “With I’m Fighting #4ImmigrantWomen, we will urge Congress to fight for the family unity values that make this country great.”
“Immigrant women are key contributors to the success of the U.S. However, heavy-handed enforcement policies are violating their rights and tearing their families apart in inhumane, costly and counterproductive ways. Additionally, immigrant women need safe, affordable, accessible, and independent pathways to citizenship that enable them to live without fear, maximize their contributions to our workforce and communities, and build a strong future for their children,” said Michelle Brané, Director of the Migrant Rights and Justice Program with the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC), a member of NCIWR’s Steering Committee. Brané continued, “With NCIWR’s campaign, immigrant women and their communities will let Congress know that immigration reform must protect the civil and human rights of women and ensure women can fully and equally pursue opportunities in this country.”
The National Coalition for Immigrant Women’s Rights is the leading national collaboration to specifically focus on women and gender issues in the public discourse on immigration. The coalition represents more than 80 leading national advocacy and grassroots organizations.
Press Release
Press Release
In the News, Press Release