News, Statements
“This Inauguration Day, while we are deeply concerned about attacks on im/migrant communities and abortion care, we will never back down and never stop working toward a country with justice for all.
“It is undeniable that who holds office and sits on the courts directly affects whether our communities can live with salud, dignidad y justicia. The same politicians and judges attacking im/migrant communities are often the ones banning access to abortion care. Across the country, Latinos/xs are already struggling to access health care, make ends meet, and survive an immigration system that harms them at every turn.
“Let us be clear: no administration, no fearmongering rhetoric, and no bad-faith policy will stop us from our vision of a society where Latinos/xs are thriving and can make our own decisions about our bodies and our futures without government interference. We will not stand by while extremists try to take away our freedoms.
“At the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice, our power comes from the stories and strength of our communities and from the belief that a better, more just future is not only possible – it’s necessary. We will continue to organize, mobilize, and push back against every effort that seeks to harm us. Our fight continues, ¡la lucha sigue!”
News, Statements